Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Grief Doula?

A Grief Doula is a holistically trained non-medical companion who is there to offer emotional support through the grieving process. Doulas do not take the place of medical professionals, rather, they assist with your personal healing process using holistic approaches as a form of coach. I am certified as a Grief Doula, Meditation and Mindfulness guide (200hr), and have training in gentle yin yoga and yoga for grief. It is important to know that a grief doula is not a certified therapist or doctor and does not take the place of those professionals. 

My grief isn't new, can you still support me?

Of course! Grief has no timeline and does not follow a schedule. When we have not had the space to express our emotions, over time, the overwhelm can build as anxiety, physical pain, and create other stressors on the body. It does not matter if you recently experienced a loss or if it was years ago - sometimes years later we will feel overwhelmed by emotions and that is completely normal.

Will this help me feel better?

Having a Grief Doula is similar to having a personal trainer. You have someone with the knowledge, expertise, and background necessary to help you transform certain areas of your life. They can hold a safe space, guide you and give suggestions for how to be supported, and support yourself, but ultimately, the results are dependent on you and they take time. That being said, grief cannot just end and there will be days you feel okay and "normal" and days where you cry multiple times. The key is patience and loving kindness toward yourself. I am here to support you in a holistic way and give you some tools to help you process and move with your grief.

I have not done meditation before, can this still be for me?

If you are new to meditation, I can always have a shorter meditation segment. However, in order to feel comfortable and deeper into any emotions, it can take time to do so which is why my guided meditations are 20 minutes and longer. For meditation, it is important to be comfortable and warm, and you can be sitting, laying down, whatever feels best for you. Meditation is not about the absence of thoughts, rather acknowledging thoughts and feelings that arise. I always suggest having a journal with you so that following a session, you can write or draw any messages and images that arise.

Can I attend the upcoming grief workshops without prior yoga experience?

Absolutely! My workshops are open to individuals of all experience levels. My yoga routines are always incorporated with meditation and are designed to be for all levels with a focus on breathwork and slow, controlled movement. The goal is to help release emotions, acknowledge your grief, and provide yourself self love.

Have any questions?

Reach out to me today to start your healing journey with Harmonia Grief Doula.